
september 2018

The project shows a range of solutions distibruated along a certain period of time. The proposal consists in focusing on two main areas of development: the industrial_maritaime area, and the residential_cultural area. In this way two main poles are defined with specific identities and they can grow complementary following the population growth and the activities connected to this growth. The new housing develop in the best living area, giving the current industrial site space to grow without disturbing residences. Following historical knowledge, the new houses sugest several proposal for contemporary living: nature relation, work with microclimate, natural matirials, renewable energy systems, cheep solutions with high quality spaces, local crafts. The industrial_maritaime activities aready exits; the project enaches its growth proposing new infrastructures and facilities. Crossing the axe of this two poles, another axe balance it perpediculary creating another path.

This new one enanche the natural landscape. This suggests an extension of the curch defining two new poles in nature: one on the coast, one on the mountain. In the centre of this two axes the commercial _ educational area will be developed in the most efficient place to be reached from all the areas. Together with the solutions of the areas there are ways to connect them in pedestrian, bicycle path, and main and secondary roads for cars. 

A basic proposal for housing. The idea is to create a small volume with high quality spaces. The module can be mostly prefabbricated and brought on site. This specific solution cover the largest need of constructing cheep houses with everything you might need in a 30mq house. A combination of renewable systems for energies productions make it lighter for the impact on the planet.

The northern facade is more protected and a stove provides hit in the house. The house is designed for two people and a possible host sleeping in the living area. This typology reflects a modern interpretation of the historical local way of constructing houses close to the sea.

The intent is to create two connected poles; one on the coast, one on the top of the hill. The two interventions are complementary; they create a direct connection with the church and the area around it and becomes one of the most evocative place in the all area. The vision defines a new axis running from the ocean to the hill. Evoking ones immagination of natural forces enhancing the vast nature of this place.